5 CDN Bulk Domain Management Strategies for DDoS Defense


Why prioritize “Domain Management” in CDN management platforms? Every business website is unique, requiring tailored CDN solutions. Among their specific needs, “Bulk Domain Management” consistently ranks in the top three. The main reason is the critical role it plays during DDoS attacks. Improper management of numerous domains can hinder quick identification of affected ones and the scope of impact, leading to significant losses. Properly categorizing and configuring defense settings for bulk domains streamline response, troubleshooting, and efficient handling during attacks. This highlights the paramount importance of ‘Domain Management.

The following will explain how the all-in-one CDN management platform achieves sophisticated domain management through features such as project-based domain management and automatic SSL certificate generation and renewal.

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CDN Domain Admin 1: Bulk Configuration Made Easy

Admin Issue 1: Never-ending Repeated Configuring Actions

Managing and configuring multiple domains in CDN is very time consuming; the same operations must be repeated even if the settings for all domains are identical.

For example: if the same sets of WAF rules are applied to 1,000 domains, the same settings must be repeated 1,000 times. While it may be okay if it’s only done once, but when modifications are needed, the same actions will need to be repeated 1,000 times again, which is both time consuming and inefficient.

CDN Feature 1: Batch Configuration for Efficiency

When the same setting is applied to multiple domains, the project-based management feature of the CDN can be used for batch management.

For example, create a new project and configure the desired settings such as origin server, WAF rules, caching, and non-caching settings. After the settings are configured, the domains that require these settings can be placed into the same project. so that all domains categorized in the project can apply (or modify) the same settings, saving time on repeated operation.

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CDN Domain Admin 2: Unified Management of SSL Certificates

Admin Issue 2: Complex Process of SSL Certificate Application, and Varying Validity Period

In an era where cybersecurity is important, websites that do not have SSL certificates to support encrypted HTTPs visits will compromise the security of data transmission and affect user experience. However, when large amounts of domains all require SSL certificates, applying for and managing thousands of certificates can be a troublesome prospect.

When applying for certificates in bulk without considering Multi-Domain certificate, then it will be necessary to generate multiple certificate signing requests (CSR) and to certify multiple domains individually. Moreover, domains that are configured at different time will have different certificate expiry periods. If the certificate is not renewed in time, the website will not be trusted due to its expired certificates. Henceforth, having multiple domains can be a great burden on application of certificates and management of the valid periods.

CDN Feature 2: Automated SSL Certificate Generation/Renewal

An advanced CDN platform can not only generates SSL certificates automatically, but is also capable of managing all system certificates in use. When the domain satisfies the required conditions, the CDN management platform will automatically renew the SSL certificates that will expire within 30 days, so you don’t have to worry about the expiry period again!

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CDN Domain Admin 3: Spot Targets amid DDoS Attack

Admin Issue 3: Unorganized Bulk Domains Vulnerable to Attacks

When having a large number of domains, if multiple domains come under attack and overwhelm the server, the impact goes beyond just the attacked domains. Other domains configured on the same server may also be affected and unable to function properly.

When a large number of domains are “not properly managed” and come under a massive attack, the server may be unable to operate normally, and in severe cases, it may even be impossible to view event logs. In such a situation, even if you are aware that the service is under attack, you won’t be able to effectively observe the attack characteristics and identify the exact domains being targeted.

How to address the challenge of identifying the affected targets and assessing the impact during an attack on thousands of domains? Here are the essential 5 strategies for project-based CDN domain management:

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CDN Domain Admin: 5 Vital DDoS Defense Strategies!

The “App Profile” is a unique domain categorization system in ApeiroCDN, allowing domain management based on acceleration strategies and risk control. Domains can be organized into projects by brand, origin server, domain type, etc. Utilizing TAG annotation and exclusive defense settings, it facilitates easy search, batch modifications, and immediate identification of attack targets for real-time defense.

Strategy 1 – Project-based Domain Management for Managed Domain Services

When there is a large number of domains belonging to multiple brands (enterprise clients), each with their own unique settings, it is convenient to manage domain based on “brands” counted as “App Profiles.” This allows for setting up dedicated configurations such as different origin servers, WAF rules to block specific countries, and caching preferences. This significantly enhances management efficiency.

Strategy 2 – Based on Different Risk Levels of “Domain Types”

If domains have different functionalities, such as front-end domains, back-end domains, API domains, etc., they often require different configurations. Without proper classification and management, it may lead to other issues. For example, front-end domains that are more susceptible to attacks may require stricter WAF rules. If they are not separated from API domains, it may result in the API domains being mistakenly blocked. Therefore, it is recommended to classify domains based on “domain types” to ensure smooth operation of various domains.

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Strategy 3 – Categorizing by Origin Server for Rapid Response to Anomalies

When managing a large number of domains with multiple different origin servers, categorizing the domains based on their “origin server” allows for quick adjustment in case of server anomalies.

Strategy 4 – Dedicated IP: No Interference, Risk Distribution

ApeiroCDN can allocate a large number of domains to several independent sites (separate clusters of nodes), each site resolving to a unique IP. Therefore, if an issue occurs with one IP, the domain services on other independent IP sites will remain unaffected.

Strategy 5 – User Customized Management: Meeting Customization Demands

ApeiroCDN’s all-in-one CDN management platform is designed for in-depth customization requirements. The project-based domain management, APP Profile, works well with customizable domain management strategies. Simply by following the principle “same configurations for all domains in a project” and utilizing the recommended or customized strategies mentioned above, excellent efficiency and defense effectiveness can be achieved.

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6 Key Advantages of CDN Platform: WAF, API deployment, domain management, SSL, CDN-origin server optimization, personalized monitoring.
6 Key Advantages of CDN Platform: WAF, API deployment, domain management, SSL, CDN-origin server optimization, personalized monitoring.

Today, CDNs serve a crucial role not only in website acceleration but also in defending against attacks like DDoS. Managing domains with a project-oriented approach is essential to swiftly identify vulnerabilities and respond to attacks, ensuring uninterrupted website operation. ApeiroCDN’s all-in-one CDN management platform offers comprehensive solutions and exclusive features, batch domain management and auto SSL certificate generation and renewal to reduce complexity. Additionally, it provides complete traffic monitoring and ultimate WAF defense, enabling immediate response even in the face of DDoS attacks, ensuring uninterrupted website services.

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